安倍内閣 支持率41%、13ポイント上昇 「安定感」9ポイント上昇 改造に一定の評価 首相続投には「反対」49%
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun conducted a snap poll from the 27th to the 28th of this month, and its results showed that the approval rating for the Abe's reshuffled cabinet was 41 %, up 13 percentage points from the previous poll at the ednd of July.As those who replyed they could feel "sense of steadiness" toward the cabinet acconted for 20%, up 9 percentage points from the previous survey, the cabinet reshuffle is believed to get a ceratain level of evaluation from the public.But, with regard to the Abe's judgement after the upper house election of not stepping down the premiership,those who expressed opposition to it accounted for 49%,exceeding 40 % those expressing approval accounted for.
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun conducted a snap poll from the 27th to the 28th of this month, and its results showed that the approval rating for the Abe's reshuffled cabinet was 41 %, up 13 percentage points from the previous poll at the ednd of July.As those who replyed they could feel "sense of steadiness" toward the cabinet acconted for 20%, up 9 percentage points from the previous survey, the cabinet reshuffle is believed to get a ceratain level of evaluation from the public.But, with regard to the Abe's judgement after the upper house election of not stepping down the premiership,those who expressed opposition to it accounted for 49%,exceeding 40 % those expressing approval accounted for.