人口の半分超に 3大都市圏に 成長力底上げ/過密による弊害も 総人口は2年連続減 住民基本台帳 3月末
According to the data from a survey of population as of the end of March this year through the satndard resident register conducted by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the polulation in the three metropolitan areas of Tokyo,Osaka and Nagoya, for the first time, exceeded half of the total population of Japan. This phenomenon of population concentration is surely effective in boosting economic growth potential. But,on the other hand,it has a bad influence on society.Japan's total population has declined for the second consecutive year.
According to the data from a survey of population as of the end of March this year through the satndard resident register conducted by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the polulation in the three metropolitan areas of Tokyo,Osaka and Nagoya, for the first time, exceeded half of the total population of Japan. This phenomenon of population concentration is surely effective in boosting economic growth potential. But,on the other hand,it has a bad influence on society.Japan's total population has declined for the second consecutive year.