上場企業 今期経常益8%減 在庫調整やリストラ 下期は回復見込む
According to a The Nihon Keizai Shimbun's compilation data on the 2010 March term businesses' settlements of accounts results,it has been learned that consolidated recurring profits of listed companies in the business term through the end of March this year are a 8.1% down on average from the previous term.Smaller demand than before continuing due to the worldwide recession,a total of sales of listed companies declined 1.3% ,with export-dependent and material-related companies most heavily hit.
However,with inventory adjustment and other restructuring efforts going on, it is likely that business performance of such companies, as a whole, will improve gradually in the latter half of this term.
参考:今日は各所にふつうは使いそうにない表現を使ってみた。あまり勧められたものではないが、どこまでが許容されるかなどもあり、たまには気持ちの赴くままの英語もいいかも知らないと思った。とくに最初のaccording からの出だしの表現は一般には勧められない。
According to a The Nihon Keizai Shimbun's compilation data on the 2010 March term businesses' settlements of accounts results,it has been learned that consolidated recurring profits of listed companies in the business term through the end of March this year are a 8.1% down on average from the previous term.Smaller demand than before continuing due to the worldwide recession,a total of sales of listed companies declined 1.3% ,with export-dependent and material-related companies most heavily hit.
However,with inventory adjustment and other restructuring efforts going on, it is likely that business performance of such companies, as a whole, will improve gradually in the latter half of this term.
参考:今日は各所にふつうは使いそうにない表現を使ってみた。あまり勧められたものではないが、どこまでが許容されるかなどもあり、たまには気持ちの赴くままの英語もいいかも知らないと思った。とくに最初のaccording からの出だしの表現は一般には勧められない。