Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月20日 21時40分15秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
This haiku was composed a day before that day, when Shiki visited
Ishiteji Temple with Rokudoo(Yanagihara Kyokudo) on the first day of tours. When I first read this haiku, I was very impressed. Mt.Miyukiji and Miyukiji Temple were my playgrounds in my childhood. The reason I was moved was that according to my memory when I was young the mountain and its surroundings really had a feeling like that depicted in the haiku. I remember there was a small shrine and a red-painted torii near the top of the mountain. But,I never saw people visiting there. At the foot of Mt. Miyukiji there are some other temples besides Miyukiji Temple.

Yamamoto ya tera wa oubaku sugi wa aki
At the foot of the mountain,
A temple of the Rinzai-Obaku Sect,
And Japanese cedar trees stand in line, in autumn….

E wo kakishi soo ima arazu tera no aki

The priest drawing paintings well,
Now beneath the ground,
The temple in fall…

The temple of the Rinzai-Obaku Sect is Senshu-ji Temple. This temple also was my playground. Although they have been already cut down, a number of Japanese cedar trees stood very beautifully in line at the place around the entrance in my childhood. There lived a priest who was not so tall but very stout-structured, and often watched naughty boys playing in the precincts with very stern eyes. Around that time I had no knowledge about the fact there had lived a priest famous for the painting some generations before.





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2009年05月20日 20時14分49秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

Renpeijoo is to the north of the castle. です。もしつながった状態であるなら、隣接してとかですが、なら、Renpeijoo is on the north of the Castle. です。
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Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月20日 18時44分03秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

“Sansaku-shu” is a collection of Shiki’s 144 haiku, which were composed while his rambling through the fields in Matsuyama in the autumn of 1895 (the 28th year of Meiji). The time was Shiki’s last days in Matsuyama in his life.
In the autumn that year, Shiki made (roaming トル)tours with his friends in the city five times in total ,and composed haiku. It started on September 20, 1895 (the 28th year of Meiji ). On the second tour, on September 21, the party visited place near to the house where I was born. Turning over the page of “Sansaku-shu,” you will find a prelude, which says:
“It was a little cloudy, but had not yet started raining. Encouraged by the three people of Aishoo,Rokudoo,and Baioku, I passed through the road beneath a hospital, and went to the foot of Mt.Miyukiji and back. On both ways, I composed some haiku.”
Reading this, we can understand the four people, including Shiki, participated in the tour that day.
There seemed to be a prefectural hospital on the east side of the
Matsuyama Castle mountain. The party seemed to pass through the
east road beneath the hospital and through “Jo-hoku Renpei-jo”
(soldier training fields), which is now changed to the campuses of
Ehime University, Matsuyama University and Ehime Prefectural
Matsuyama Kita High School. And they advanced north for Mt.Miyukiji. At the foot of the mountain are a temple named Miyukiji Temple and a cottage called “Isso-an,” where a famous haiku poet Taneda Santooka,who spent most of his life wandering around the fields while composing haiku, lived in his last days and died.

Aki no yama miyukiji to mooshi tengu sumu

This autumn mountain,
People call it Miyukiji, and there,
A tengu(long-nosed goblin) lives.

その時の子規の散策吟行は明治28年9月20日に始まり、合計5回に及んでいるが、その第2回、明治28年9月21日の散策吟行で子規が辿った途は私の生家近くに及んでいる。「散策集」の頁を捲(めく)ると、「稍(やや)曇(くも)りたる空の雨にもならで愛(あい)松(まつ)碌堂(ろくどう)梅屋(うめや)三子に促され 病院下を通り抜け御幸(みゆき)寺山(じさん)の麓にて引き返し来る途上口占」との前口上があり、その日、子規を含めた4人で散策吟行したことがわかる。


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Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月20日 17時03分05秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
A person who one has long thought has almost nothing to do with oneself has suddenly become familiar to him or her. Everyone should have such a kind of experience. Such a thing would often take place through trivial things like that two people have been to the same place or that one knows another whom the other also knows. In other words, when the two find a common thing shared between them, a marvelous change could occur. Through such an experience, even a person who has long been thought to be difficult in association could be changed to be a friendly existence. A natural and usual sense could be generated, which would be a desirable sense of distance between people.
I had the same experience in the relationship between Shiki and me. The mediator was the complete works of Shiki, which I had bought at a secondhand bookstore in Kanda, Tokyo. Particularly, it was “Sansaku-shu,” an anthology of Shiki’s haiku, recorded in the 13th volume of his complete works.

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Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月20日 14時10分18秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
Masaoka Shiki’s Words

It was in April, 1981(the 56th year of Showa) when the Matsuyama Municipal Shiki-Kinen Museum opened. Around that time I was working for a company in Tokyo and not living in Matsuyama. Then I was unaware for a fairly long time of the museum located in the north side of Dogo Park. I first noticed the museum a day when I was staying in Matsuyama on a homecoming vacation. At that time I was driving a car toward Ishiteji Temple from Dogo. Having four stories above the ground and one below with a total floor area of 7,600 square meters, it is a fairly large facility.
A while after that, a day on the weekend when I walked around the Kanda streets in Tokyo, I happened to enter a secondhand bookstore. There I found Masaoka Shiki’s complete works consisting of a total of 25 volumes published by Kodansha Company. After that day, I sometimes visited the store. Each time I visited there, I found the books unsold. But,in the end I purchased them. I decided to do so because I thought I might not soon start to read them, but the time would surely come when I want to read them. ・・・It was since then that I began reading Shiki’s literary works.
Of course, it was not the case that I had been unaware of Shiki at all. First of all, speaking of school he attended, he is a senior to me. Nevertheless, he did not graduate from the school. It was in 1967 (the 39th year of Showa) when I entered Ehime Prefectural Matsuyama Higashi High School. A day of spring that year, afternoon, an old teacher stood up in front of us, freshly enrolled students, in a room of the old wooden building called “Meikyo-kan,” which was then used for the school library. The teacher told us we had been enrolled in a time-honored, prestigious high school, which had dated back to the Matsuyama Clan’s public school in the feudal days of Edo. I remember a photograph of Shiki, who then was cut short like a Buddhist monk and was photoed from the side, was hung on a threshold of the room at that time.



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