Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月23日 12時37分29秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
Shiki seemed to stay at this temple for a fairly long time. It was likely that he kept his illness in mind.

―When I took a rest sitting at the edge of the wooden floor of
Daishi-doo hall, I found a white paper fallen near there. Wondering what it was, I opened it and found a phrase reading that your illness might be long, but it doesn’t matter to your life, beside the explanation saying that this is a fortune slip of No.24,bad luck, issued by this temple. I think it is a wonder that it is really my case.―

Minoueya mikuji o hikeba aki no kaze

Concerning my personal affairs,
I picked and read a fortune slip,
In an autumn breeze.

Yama kage ya tera fuki kururu aki no kaze

In the shade of a mountain,
Against the temple in the evening
An autumn wind blowing.

The number of haiku composed by Shiki that day was 21.






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Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月23日 10時56分21秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

 At the beginning of the pages were the following haiku:

Nomichi magareri jippo no uchini aki no yama

A path in the fields turns to the left,
And only in the time of ten step walks,
You can see an autumn mountain.

Namu daishi Ishite no tera yo ine no hana

Ah, Namu-daishi!
Now at Ishiteji Temple,
The flowers of rice.

Nino mon wa nichou okunari ine no hana

The second gate is,
Two hundred meters ahead,
Here, flowers of rice.

―Taking a rest at a teahouse in front of the entrance gate of the temple, I drank a cup of tea to ease the fatigue.―

Two haiku continue:

Dagashi uru chamise no kado no kaki aoshi

A teahouse selling cheap candy,
At its gate, persimmons,
Are not ripe enough.

Hitomo nashi dagashi no ue no aki no hae

No man here,
On a piece of candy,
A fly, in fall…..

―Crossing over the bridge I now visit the temple. I hear this is the 51st temple of Shikoku Pilgrimage 88 Sacred Place Visit.―

Following this, two haiku:

Miagureba too no takasayo aki no sora

Looking up at the tower,
How tall it is !
In the autumn sky.

Aki no yama gojuu no too ni narabikeri

An autumn mountain,
It matches in the height,
The five-story pagoda.










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Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月23日 10時15分33秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
Turning over the page of “Sansaku-shu,” at its beginning appears a prelude reading:

―On the afternoon of September 20, 1895 Shiki writes.―

It is further followed by the words:

―Because I unusually felt good today, I urged Rokudo, who had just come to “Gu-da-butsu-an”, to go for a walk with me as first trial. Then we left “Gu-da-butsu-an”. As a rather strong autumn wind was blowing to our backs, we didn’t feel too hot. We went to the suburbs by passing through Tamagawa-cho. I was satisfied with all I saw.―

Rokudo means Yanagihara Kyoukudo,and Tamagawa-cho would probably be around the place of the present 2-chome,1-bancho. When I trace the path Shiki and Kyokudo walked that day according to the reference map attached at the end of “Sansaku-shu,” they likely proceeded eastward from the 2-bancho,where “Gu-da-butsu-an” was located, went past the 1-bancho, and walked eastward along the road on the south of the prefectural Matsuyama Higashi High School in Mochida-cho. Around the Yuwatari-cho, they seemed to get onto the bank of the Ishite River. After that, they likely walked upstream,northeastward on the bank.
“Walking on the river bank, I turned to the left for Ishiteji Temple.”
This phrase was probably issued around the place of Henro Bridge. Just over there they should have seen Ishiteji Temple.

「散策集」を開くと、まずはじめに「明治28年9月20日午後 子規士」と記されている。それに続いて「今日はいつになくここちよければ折柄来合(おりからきあわ)せたる碌(ろく)堂(どう)催(もよお)して初めて散歩せんとて愚(ぐ)陀仏(だぶつ)庵(あん)を立ち出(い)づる程(ほど)秋の風のそぞろに背を吹てあつからず玉川町(たまがわちょう)より郊外にははいでけるみるもの皆心(こころ)行(ゆ)くさまなり」と、ある。
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Masaoka Shiki's words

2009年05月23日 09時26分02秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
I came to think about ten years ago that the days had already passed when I should continue working in a big city like Tokyo. Around that time there was a job change possibility for me to a post in a Shikoku subsidiary of a company I was working for. And, fortunately I was able to come back to Shikoku. Since then, on holidays, I often walk around the area where Shiki once did. I always have the thin vermeil booklet of “Sansaku-shu” in my hand.
The place where I most often walk is the path from Shiki-Kinen Museum to Ishiteji Temple. This is now a part of the road called the Rokkenya-Ishite line of the prefectural road No.186,which might sound a little bit too formal. In my childhood, however, we could see many henro pilgrims for “Shikoku Pilgrimage 88 Sacred Place Visit” walking along it, which is rarely seen today. A henro pilgrim, dressed in white clothes, a kasa hat on the head, and a stick in hand, was walking westward for the next 52nd Taisanji Temple after visiting the 51st Ishiteji Temple of the 88 sacred pilgrimage temples. Even today you can see some stone guideposts, inscribed with hiragana characters of “henro michi” (henro road), stand some places on the road. Shiki also walked the road at the time when he composed haiku while roaming around the city in the 1895 autumn.

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2009年05月23日 00時39分52秒 | 自分の意見の陳述

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