トヨタ、12年から量産 家庭充電型ハイブリッド車 次世代電池調達にメド 初年度2~3万台
It is learned that Toyota Motor Corporation will start in 2012 mass-producing a new type of hybrid cars, which are more economic than the conventional hybrid cars in mileage and could be recharged from the household electricity plug.According to its plan, they will produce in the first year as many as the 20,000 to 30,000 level of vehicles.This will come to be attained by the year of 2012 because purchase of so-called next generation battery which has a large power capacity by the time.
It is learned that Toyota Motor Corporation will start in 2012 mass-producing a new type of hybrid cars, which are more economic than the conventional hybrid cars in mileage and could be recharged from the household electricity plug.According to its plan, they will produce in the first year as many as the 20,000 to 30,000 level of vehicles.This will come to be attained by the year of 2012 because purchase of so-called next generation battery which has a large power capacity by the time.