from yesterday's Nikkei

2009年07月13日 11時19分35秒 | 新聞記事から
予算の無駄 省庁別公表 来月末の概算要求から 2000~3000億円減めざす

According to sources, the government will launch on further reducing wasteful spending of the budget.According to the plan, on the budget request for the next fiscal year from each ministry or agency at the end of August this year, the ministry and agency is to be requested to reveal its self-examined result of the waste of its budget. The ministry and agency also is requested to make public the result of its self-check of the waste.In the next fiscal budget formulation, the government intends to secure as much as 200 to 300 billion yen of resources by avoiding so-called wasteful spending of the budget.
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from today Nikkei

2009年07月13日 10時57分26秒 | 新聞記事から
都議選 民主第一党 自民後退 首相責任論強まる

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election,widely seen as a bellwether of the upcoming House of Representatives election,the ballots were cast Sunday,on July12, and on the same day the vote counting was done. According to the results, the Democratic Party of Japan likely will get a leading position and the Liberal Democratic Party will retreat from the top position in the assembly.
This will surely evoke the voice among the ruling camps that Prime Minister Taro Aso should take responsibility for it.
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