from tgoday's Nikkei

2009年07月28日 16時12分45秒 | 新聞記事から
民社が政権公約発表 生活支援を前面に 子育てや農業など 必要財源16.8兆円 消費税増税 鳩山氏、議論は容認

The Democratic Party of Japan has anounced its political pledges, and it has put to the front livelihood assistances in the fields of child rearing and africulture. The necessary resources for them is expected to be about 16.8 trillion yen. With regrd to the consumption tax, the DPJ President Yukio Hatoyama refused to calrify whether the party is for the tax rate increase or not,but said cleary that the discussion of how the tax should be is necessary.
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