ウクライナ 侵攻から3年 見えぬ停戦に行方 この間、民間人1万2300人が死亡
It has been three years since Russia began the war against Ukraine invading there. US President Donald Trump, who took office in January, began the talks with Russia towards realizing the ceasefire, but its development is not clear. During the three years, about 46,000 people from the Ukraine forces and about 90,000 people from the Russian ones are estimated to be killed. When it comes to the civilians, more than 12,300 people including the children have been dead due to the war. Given such conditions, how the war's ceasefire talks or negotiations would go on is being paid attention to from the world.
It has been three years since Russia began the war against Ukraine invading there. US President Donald Trump, who took office in January, began the talks with Russia towards realizing the ceasefire, but its development is not clear. During the three years, about 46,000 people from the Ukraine forces and about 90,000 people from the Russian ones are estimated to be killed. When it comes to the civilians, more than 12,300 people including the children have been dead due to the war. Given such conditions, how the war's ceasefire talks or negotiations would go on is being paid attention to from the world.