次世代光通信実用化へ 遠隔介護や大画面中継 慶大や東芝・積水化学など 日本初の技術結集
It is learned that Keio University has a plan to put so-called next-generation optical communications technology to practical use jointly with five companies including Toshiba Corp. and Sekisui Kagaku Co.
Using high-quality plastic materials developed by Keio University Professor Yasuhiro Koike, they are to first develop high-speed communications network for household use and large-screen, LCD TV sets with high definition. And then, in five years, they will realise a model house where people can enjoy live broadcastings of sport events and others with a real feeling of the events, and also afford to take care of their parents living somewhere far remote.
Participating companies in this bid include Asahi Glass Co. Making the best use of Japanese original technologies, they want their model to be more competent in the IT field more than those of rivals in South Korea and Taiwan.
It is learned that Keio University has a plan to put so-called next-generation optical communications technology to practical use jointly with five companies including Toshiba Corp. and Sekisui Kagaku Co.
Using high-quality plastic materials developed by Keio University Professor Yasuhiro Koike, they are to first develop high-speed communications network for household use and large-screen, LCD TV sets with high definition. And then, in five years, they will realise a model house where people can enjoy live broadcastings of sport events and others with a real feeling of the events, and also afford to take care of their parents living somewhere far remote.
Participating companies in this bid include Asahi Glass Co. Making the best use of Japanese original technologies, they want their model to be more competent in the IT field more than those of rivals in South Korea and Taiwan.