from today's Nikkei

2009年02月12日 09時06分01秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 減配・無配3社に1社 今期総額は9%の小幅減 減益・赤字でも増配予定168社

It is learned by a The Nihon Keizai Shimbun's survey that one of three companies among listed compnies likely will reduce their dividends to shareholders compared with the previous term,or cut them to zero for the bisiness term through the end of March, 2009. Given the situation that many firms are facing their business performances' declining, most of them put priority on securing funds available. In these circumstances,the aggregate amount of dividends is ceratin to decline for the first time in seven business terms. But the range of decline is small with abou 9 percent.Meanwhile,some companies are thinking of increasing their dividends even if their business results made their profits decline or made their account settlement turn to the red.

参考:7期ぶりに減少は、decline after a seven-business-term intervalでも表現可能。
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