from the first -page hedlines of Saturday's Nikkei:
①「円借款」JICAに統合 ODA改革 国際協力銀解体へ 政策金融再編 全容固まる
円借款:(有償援助)yen loans
無償援助:grant aids
ODA grants には具体的には yens loan とgrants の別がある。
JICA(Japan Internatinal Cooperation Agency ;政府機関の組織は普通the がつく)
ODA(Official Development Assistance)
政策金融:政策的な金融⇒政治的な金融:political finance
又は政府による金融⇒the government's finance
国際協力銀行:Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC)(銀行はthe がつかないのが多い;Bank of Japan)
①適当に言う。国際international 協力copoperation 銀行bank,
finanncial institution で Intrernational Coperation Bank, bank of International Coperation とでもいわなきゃ仕方ないのは?
さらに言えば、口頭でも、声の調子を変えて、挿入的説明だとして、関係代名詞の継続用法を用いる手はあるだろうと思います。つまり関係代名詞whichを使って ,which I think might not be its official name,とするんです。,which might not be its official nameでもいいでしょうか。might はmayでもいいでしょう。これくらいしかないでしょう。関係代名詞の継続用法については、2月2日の私の記事「英字新聞を読むことの薦め(3)-関係代名詞を」を読んでください。
which I think might not be its official name は I think which(主語)might not be its official name がもとの文でI think が中へ入った形です。
the finanncial institution specializing in international-cooperation finance,
the government-sponsored financial institution specializing in....
Then(my draft)
Outline of realignment of the government's finance activities was decided .(Outline of realignment of the government's finance activities,which has come to be compiled recently, is revealed.) According to the outline, yen-loans activities ,which are now carried out by multiple government's
agencies, is to be merged only into JICA.This aims at reforming the present ODA grants of the country.Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) also will be dimolished( will disappear ) in line with this alignment.
The next is from the headlines of Sunday's Nikkei
②高齢者の住み替え支援 仲介や家賃保証 自宅貸して都心に引越し 官民で新方式
人:people をつける
又は形容詞のthe をつける。the elderly= elderly people
住み替え:住む場所を変える⇒change of their residence
保証:guarantee( 名詞も動詞も)←公的機関による保証
自宅(自分の家):their homes( houses)
貸す:rent 貸すのも借りるのもrent
都心(都会の中心) city's center, center of city
引っ越す:move to
官民:governments and private ( 地方公共団体も入ればgovernments)
新方式:new system ,new model
The gonvernment is now delibarating a elderly-people-supporting new system.
Using the system, old people will be able to move to city's center without buying their homes, if they want to do,with a certain condition attained.
Necessary mediation or rent guarantee will be done by governments. The system will be operated by both governments and private sectors.
①「円借款」JICAに統合 ODA改革 国際協力銀解体へ 政策金融再編 全容固まる
円借款:(有償援助)yen loans
無償援助:grant aids
ODA grants には具体的には yens loan とgrants の別がある。
JICA(Japan Internatinal Cooperation Agency ;政府機関の組織は普通the がつく)
ODA(Official Development Assistance)
政策金融:政策的な金融⇒政治的な金融:political finance
又は政府による金融⇒the government's finance
国際協力銀行:Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC)(銀行はthe がつかないのが多い;Bank of Japan)
①適当に言う。国際international 協力copoperation 銀行bank,
finanncial institution で Intrernational Coperation Bank, bank of International Coperation とでもいわなきゃ仕方ないのは?
さらに言えば、口頭でも、声の調子を変えて、挿入的説明だとして、関係代名詞の継続用法を用いる手はあるだろうと思います。つまり関係代名詞whichを使って ,which I think might not be its official name,とするんです。,which might not be its official nameでもいいでしょうか。might はmayでもいいでしょう。これくらいしかないでしょう。関係代名詞の継続用法については、2月2日の私の記事「英字新聞を読むことの薦め(3)-関係代名詞を」を読んでください。
which I think might not be its official name は I think which(主語)might not be its official name がもとの文でI think が中へ入った形です。
the finanncial institution specializing in international-cooperation finance,
the government-sponsored financial institution specializing in....
Then(my draft)
Outline of realignment of the government's finance activities was decided .(Outline of realignment of the government's finance activities,which has come to be compiled recently, is revealed.) According to the outline, yen-loans activities ,which are now carried out by multiple government's
agencies, is to be merged only into JICA.This aims at reforming the present ODA grants of the country.Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC) also will be dimolished( will disappear ) in line with this alignment.
The next is from the headlines of Sunday's Nikkei
②高齢者の住み替え支援 仲介や家賃保証 自宅貸して都心に引越し 官民で新方式
人:people をつける
又は形容詞のthe をつける。the elderly= elderly people
住み替え:住む場所を変える⇒change of their residence
保証:guarantee( 名詞も動詞も)←公的機関による保証
自宅(自分の家):their homes( houses)
貸す:rent 貸すのも借りるのもrent
都心(都会の中心) city's center, center of city
引っ越す:move to
官民:governments and private ( 地方公共団体も入ればgovernments)
新方式:new system ,new model
The gonvernment is now delibarating a elderly-people-supporting new system.
Using the system, old people will be able to move to city's center without buying their homes, if they want to do,with a certain condition attained.
Necessary mediation or rent guarantee will be done by governments. The system will be operated by both governments and private sectors.