from today's Nikkei

2014年09月19日 07時49分13秒 | 新聞記事から
円安効果、企業で割れる 一時108円後半 輸出採算改善 株1万6000円 中小の負担は増加

Yen's weakening has been proceeding rapidly in a recent foreign currencies excahnge market. On Thursday,at the Tokyo Foreign Currencies Exchange Market, yen was traded at the price of the latter part of the 108 yen level, which is the weakest in the past six years, leading the Nikkei Stock Average to be \ 16,000 after a eight-month interval. Some experts say weak yen will go far to the 110 yen level. However, concerning how they enjoy this yen's weakness, companies are divided. For the companies enaged in exports, this trend is considered to be what is welcomed as a favorable factor, but for a lot of small and midsized firms this is not a favourable thing, because energy-related prices will rise. 
In that sense, there might be a limited effect from a weaker yen.

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