from today's Nikkei

2007年03月26日 09時38分20秒 | 新聞記事から
景気、なお安定軌道 消費、持ち直す兆し 米景気・円高にリスク
引き締まる労働需給 投資増勢4年越す 1-3月は生産鈍化も
Japan's economy is now still on the stable track, with a sign of personal consumption's picking up backed by the increases of employment and wages.Dim outlook of U.S. ecomomy and strong yen are thinkable risk factors for the time being. But,if supported by domestic demand, Japanese ecomomy's expansion will continue from now on.Another fact is that capital investment's expansion has been lasting for more than 4 years.One more fact recently noticed is that production might have decreased slightly in the period from January to March.
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