住宅長寿化へ税優遇 国交省、中古市場で支援策 改修など情報蓄積「履歴書」国が認証
The Ministry of Land,Infrastrcture and Transport will launch on taking a supporting measure for activating the transaction of used houses.It starts from 2008 to institute "the house resume" system in which the repair and inspection history information per a house is stored.These efforts surely lead to creating the environment for the transaction. And prospective buyers will be able to easily judge candidate houses' conditions.And if a house resume is recognized as reliable by the government,the house with such resume is applied to tax priority( tax incentive).These measures mean the effort for lengthenig house life service.
The Ministry of Land,Infrastrcture and Transport will launch on taking a supporting measure for activating the transaction of used houses.It starts from 2008 to institute "the house resume" system in which the repair and inspection history information per a house is stored.These efforts surely lead to creating the environment for the transaction. And prospective buyers will be able to easily judge candidate houses' conditions.And if a house resume is recognized as reliable by the government,the house with such resume is applied to tax priority( tax incentive).These measures mean the effort for lengthenig house life service.