I'm clean up in my room
I found the pencil case
I used it a long time ago
学生時代、いつですかねぇ、中学高校…? の時に使っていたと思われる、ペンケース。確かに捨てるほどには傷んでいないよーだけど、取っておいていつ使うつもりだったんでしょう。すっかりあったこと忘れているし。あー。ホントこーいうのが多いです。と、"ときめく人生"のために、は、す、捨てていかねば‼︎ (何故言い淀んでいるのだ!)
I forgot to have got that pencil case that I might have used it when I was student. It seems that it's still in a good condition. So that I didn't throw it away, have kept it for a long time. Was I going to use it again? But I forgot it. Oh my. I likely do like that. I'd like to change my habits, then get a bright future and life!
I'm clean up in my room
I found the pencil case
I used it a long time ago
学生時代、いつですかねぇ、中学高校…? の時に使っていたと思われる、ペンケース。確かに捨てるほどには傷んでいないよーだけど、取っておいていつ使うつもりだったんでしょう。すっかりあったこと忘れているし。あー。ホントこーいうのが多いです。と、"ときめく人生"のために、は、す、捨てていかねば‼︎ (何故言い淀んでいるのだ!)
I forgot to have got that pencil case that I might have used it when I was student. It seems that it's still in a good condition. So that I didn't throw it away, have kept it for a long time. Was I going to use it again? But I forgot it. Oh my. I likely do like that. I'd like to change my habits, then get a bright future and life!