
In the dark
I saw Hime-chan
I haven't got a chance to see
Him for a long time
暗がりに浮かぶ一匹の猫…。 プロフィール写真に使わせていただいている、ひめちゃんです。以前はよく、カバーをかけたバイクの上で香箱を作っていて、会うと大きなだみ声で挨拶をしてくれたモンです。ちょっと前に姿を見かけなくなって家猫になったらしいとの情報が入り、若そうに見えるが高齢なんだとのこと。その後一回だけ、夏の夕涼みに出ているのを見かけたのが最後でした。この日ふと、近所を通りかかったので寄り道して行こうと思ったら、なんといるじゃーあーりませんか! 相変わらずのだみ声「あ"ー!」な感じのご挨拶。元気だったのねー! ニャン!
There is a cat in the dark... This cat is used for my profile's photo. His name is Hime-chan used to be on the bike with relaxed pose, when he saw people who he knew, he said "Hello" with his thick voice. He became a house cat, when I couldn't see him someone told me. He is old even though he seems young. After that, in the summer, I saw him once in the evening when he enjoyed cool winds. Last Sunday, I just walked by near his place then I went to, there was him! He said "Hello" thickly! He seemed fine! Good!

In the dark
I saw Hime-chan
I haven't got a chance to see
Him for a long time
暗がりに浮かぶ一匹の猫…。 プロフィール写真に使わせていただいている、ひめちゃんです。以前はよく、カバーをかけたバイクの上で香箱を作っていて、会うと大きなだみ声で挨拶をしてくれたモンです。ちょっと前に姿を見かけなくなって家猫になったらしいとの情報が入り、若そうに見えるが高齢なんだとのこと。その後一回だけ、夏の夕涼みに出ているのを見かけたのが最後でした。この日ふと、近所を通りかかったので寄り道して行こうと思ったら、なんといるじゃーあーりませんか! 相変わらずのだみ声「あ"ー!」な感じのご挨拶。元気だったのねー! ニャン!
There is a cat in the dark... This cat is used for my profile's photo. His name is Hime-chan used to be on the bike with relaxed pose, when he saw people who he knew, he said "Hello" with his thick voice. He became a house cat, when I couldn't see him someone told me. He is old even though he seems young. After that, in the summer, I saw him once in the evening when he enjoyed cool winds. Last Sunday, I just walked by near his place then I went to, there was him! He said "Hello" thickly! He seemed fine! Good!