
My body is white
My wings are orange
I'm butterfly
家の近所には結構草どころがまだまだ残っている方だと思うのですが蝶類を見かける機会はあまり多くありませんです。蝶タチって確か各々で好む花がありましたよね? 蝶タチが好きな花が少ないのかしらん。前はヤマトシジミぽい蝶をよく見かけたんですが、今年はまだですなぁ。で、彼か彼女か分かりませんが、の貴重な一枚です。しかし昆虫の世界もまた奥深いですなー。写真を撮ろうとしてカメラを向けると、宇宙人(?)のよーな目と触角とボディーが光る光る。光ると言いますか、光を反射して光っている、と思われます。なのでこの写真、ハレーション起きてますよね。絞りたかったですがアイホンカメラにそんな機能ありませんネ。この光る反射版のよーな現象を見てすごいすごい、どーいう構造になっていてどーいう目的や役割があるのだろーと考えながらその日は帰途につきました。
There are still some fields, parks, and groves near my house. I think that I could have opportunities to see butterflies but not many. I sometimes saw very small grey butterflies but not this year yet. It's the big chance to see her/him. When I took photos of it, I noticed its body, face and antennas were shining, actually, they had got lights then reflected. Oh... I didn't now about that reflections. I would have liked to stop down the lens but I didn't think that my iPhone camera had that function. Insects world is also deep... During my returning to home, I was thinking about that, how their structures, purposes, roles and so on.

My body is white
My wings are orange
I'm butterfly
家の近所には結構草どころがまだまだ残っている方だと思うのですが蝶類を見かける機会はあまり多くありませんです。蝶タチって確か各々で好む花がありましたよね? 蝶タチが好きな花が少ないのかしらん。前はヤマトシジミぽい蝶をよく見かけたんですが、今年はまだですなぁ。で、彼か彼女か分かりませんが、の貴重な一枚です。しかし昆虫の世界もまた奥深いですなー。写真を撮ろうとしてカメラを向けると、宇宙人(?)のよーな目と触角とボディーが光る光る。光ると言いますか、光を反射して光っている、と思われます。なのでこの写真、ハレーション起きてますよね。絞りたかったですがアイホンカメラにそんな機能ありませんネ。この光る反射版のよーな現象を見てすごいすごい、どーいう構造になっていてどーいう目的や役割があるのだろーと考えながらその日は帰途につきました。
There are still some fields, parks, and groves near my house. I think that I could have opportunities to see butterflies but not many. I sometimes saw very small grey butterflies but not this year yet. It's the big chance to see her/him. When I took photos of it, I noticed its body, face and antennas were shining, actually, they had got lights then reflected. Oh... I didn't now about that reflections. I would have liked to stop down the lens but I didn't think that my iPhone camera had that function. Insects world is also deep... During my returning to home, I was thinking about that, how their structures, purposes, roles and so on.