オサンポ take a walk - 蓑虫 basket warm

2015年05月16日 | 日記

The raining in May
I'm happy to meet a basket warm
On my favourite footpath

愛で…てるかどーかは実際は微妙ですが、見つけて嬉しい昆虫ではあります。外套を着ているので、昆虫ポクないですし。しかし今回、この蓑虫君が使用した木っ端などの中に、桜? などの花の萼(ガク)片と思われる茶色い光沢感のものを発見し、それが何かの昆虫の翅の色に似ているよーな気がして、写真を撮っている間、少しドキドキしました。はは。同じドキドキするなら、別のことでドキドキしたいですら。
I'm really happy to see it as I've heard its group members have been getting less nowadays. It is one of insects, actually I would not like insects, but it has a brown coat always, it makes one like small branches. This basket warm also used many tiny branches. In them, when I found something shinning browns, they might have been calyx, but they looked like wing, which some insect has. I felt nervous when I took some photos. I would not like nervous, I would like excited with other thing.
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