
Japanese wisteria
After flowers came out
They have seeds that are like shape of banana
おっと~藤の花が、と今日のオサンポの帰りに見に寄ったならば、まだ一部花は残ってましたが満開を過ぎてイテ、種が出来始めてました。花の咲く頃は関心を持って眺めているけど花が終わってしまった途端に素通りじゃあ味気ないジャナイカと思って今回は種が出来るところまで見届けてみよーと思いました。始まりは小さくてバナナ型なんすね。これがやがてそら豆を平たくしてびょーんと長くしたよーなモノになる…んすね? 見ましょう。
I thought that I should have seen the Japanese wisteria during walking so I dropped at there. They had still some flowers but most of them have developed into seeds. At the beginning, the seeds are very small and their shapes are similar to banana. Well, when the trees have flowers, I have an interest, after that, I will not. This time, I'm keeping to have an interest the Japanese wisteria, until the they will have seeds completely. The seeds are going to be big and longer. I have seen it only in the picture. Let's see.

Japanese wisteria
After flowers came out
They have seeds that are like shape of banana
おっと~藤の花が、と今日のオサンポの帰りに見に寄ったならば、まだ一部花は残ってましたが満開を過ぎてイテ、種が出来始めてました。花の咲く頃は関心を持って眺めているけど花が終わってしまった途端に素通りじゃあ味気ないジャナイカと思って今回は種が出来るところまで見届けてみよーと思いました。始まりは小さくてバナナ型なんすね。これがやがてそら豆を平たくしてびょーんと長くしたよーなモノになる…んすね? 見ましょう。
I thought that I should have seen the Japanese wisteria during walking so I dropped at there. They had still some flowers but most of them have developed into seeds. At the beginning, the seeds are very small and their shapes are similar to banana. Well, when the trees have flowers, I have an interest, after that, I will not. This time, I'm keeping to have an interest the Japanese wisteria, until the they will have seeds completely. The seeds are going to be big and longer. I have seen it only in the picture. Let's see.