
What is it?
I've no idea
What's happening
チョットした草むらで、見つけました。アップだけでなく、全体像も撮っておけば良かったと今思いました。そうすれば全容が分かりましたよね。花はたんぽぽに似た感じで(多分)、茎は細長い、野草? 園芸種? じゃないかと。なんでかお互いの蕾がくっついちゃったんすかね? 萼(ガク) のささくれ立っている辺りが引っかかったとか? 風に結構吹かれていたので、風のイタズラ? まさかチューじゃないっぺ?
I found some small field, it's not a proper garden. I thought that I should have took a whole picture of them. It would be easer to understand what it looked like. I think that the flowers might look like dandelion. The culms are thin and long. I'm not sure if they are wildflower or garden spices. Why did their buds stick together? Their calyxes might have got held up each other? It was windy, the wind did that? Or, were they just kissing???

What is it?
I've no idea
What's happening
チョットした草むらで、見つけました。アップだけでなく、全体像も撮っておけば良かったと今思いました。そうすれば全容が分かりましたよね。花はたんぽぽに似た感じで(多分)、茎は細長い、野草? 園芸種? じゃないかと。なんでかお互いの蕾がくっついちゃったんすかね? 萼(ガク) のささくれ立っている辺りが引っかかったとか? 風に結構吹かれていたので、風のイタズラ? まさかチューじゃないっぺ?
I found some small field, it's not a proper garden. I thought that I should have took a whole picture of them. It would be easer to understand what it looked like. I think that the flowers might look like dandelion. The culms are thin and long. I'm not sure if they are wildflower or garden spices. Why did their buds stick together? Their calyxes might have got held up each other? It was windy, the wind did that? Or, were they just kissing???