買ってな そか

Did you eat a cake?
I bought it at the supermarket
By myself
The two cats might have a chat like the poem. Well, yesterday, I had a bit strange story. My mum went to Narita-San ( one of temples ), when she came back by train, her friend got on the same train and had a seat in front of her. I think that it might happen sometimes. What strange was is the friend's birthday is the 28th. Yesterday was 28th. Oh, see? I wrote that I haven't met anyone whose birthday is the 28th, no, I met one. I forgot it. Oh.
買ってな そか

Did you eat a cake?
I bought it at the supermarket
By myself
The two cats might have a chat like the poem. Well, yesterday, I had a bit strange story. My mum went to Narita-San ( one of temples ), when she came back by train, her friend got on the same train and had a seat in front of her. I think that it might happen sometimes. What strange was is the friend's birthday is the 28th. Yesterday was 28th. Oh, see? I wrote that I haven't met anyone whose birthday is the 28th, no, I met one. I forgot it. Oh.