
At 7:00 in the morning
After gone the typhoon
The winds are swinging
昨夜の、既に台風では無くなっていたよーですが、それでも風が強かったですねー。家が安普請ダカラ(?)か、窓がカタガタなっててヤレヤレでした。朝外に出ると、桜の木などの細い枝や葉っぱタチがアチコチに落ちていてアラマやっぱり強い風が吹いていたのね、と更に実感。この写真の道だけ何故かキレイにソージされてて仕事が早い! のに驚いたのと、ほんのり生温い風が木漏れ日を演出していていい感じ。ココだけ見れば軽井沢な感じ? 暑さに弱いから夏は軽井沢へ行きたしィ。
Last night, it wasn't already a typhoon but we'd got a strong wind. My house is fragile, the windows made noises. It annoyed me. Anyway, in the morning, when I got out of house, I found many small branches and leaves which were dropped by the wind. The footpath in the photo, it was cleaned already by someone, I was surprise, it is too early, isn't it? There were patchy shadows on the footpath from trees, looked nice and kind windows. It looked nice atmosphere. I like it.

At 7:00 in the morning
After gone the typhoon
The winds are swinging
昨夜の、既に台風では無くなっていたよーですが、それでも風が強かったですねー。家が安普請ダカラ(?)か、窓がカタガタなっててヤレヤレでした。朝外に出ると、桜の木などの細い枝や葉っぱタチがアチコチに落ちていてアラマやっぱり強い風が吹いていたのね、と更に実感。この写真の道だけ何故かキレイにソージされてて仕事が早い! のに驚いたのと、ほんのり生温い風が木漏れ日を演出していていい感じ。ココだけ見れば軽井沢な感じ? 暑さに弱いから夏は軽井沢へ行きたしィ。
Last night, it wasn't already a typhoon but we'd got a strong wind. My house is fragile, the windows made noises. It annoyed me. Anyway, in the morning, when I got out of house, I found many small branches and leaves which were dropped by the wind. The footpath in the photo, it was cleaned already by someone, I was surprise, it is too early, isn't it? There were patchy shadows on the footpath from trees, looked nice and kind windows. It looked nice atmosphere. I like it.