猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 : 黒猫 outdoor cat: a black cat

2015年10月25日 | 日記

There is a cat
It is a reason
Why the temperature goes up

猫がいる、と知った途端、この場所があって良かったんだ? とか、駐車場に対する印象が激変。

We could see car parking spaces between buildings in the big cities. Most people would not care about them what things they have, why the spaces have been turned into the car perking spaces.
When I see them, I would feel something desolate. But this time, when I found a black cat, I felt happy with it. My feeling was better.
The space is for the cat. The cat gave me a good reason for the space.
(Why I've got the idea, because I love cat?)
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ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム ヨーダ&学校の思い出8/ I love miniature goods - IWAKO Yoda&schooldays8

2015年10月25日 | 日記

In music class
I enjoyed myself
With a keyboard harmonica

Yoda "I was good at playing a keyboard harmonica as I didn't have thought so. I was praised by my teacher"
(Coincidently, the size of harmonica suites Yoda's size...that's why?)

因みに、「吹き口(パイプ)」はプラスチックで出来ているよーです。"消しゴム"での再現が難しい場合(?)は、こんな風にプラスチックを使って…でも再現しよう! という辺りに日本人の職人魂を勝手に感じてしまっています…と言ったら大袈裟でしょーか。(勝手に感じる分にはいいですかね~)

In addition, the white pipe is made from plastic. The company sometimes use plastic when they find that rubber would be difficult to make something items, they use plastic instead of rubber.
I really appreciate about their efforts to create miniature rubbers. I think that we, Japanese are good at doing that.

でもって、「吹き口」をいじっているときに更に気付いたことがあったのですが、裏返すとちゃんと「足(? 何て呼ぶんでしょう?)」が四つ。

I found four legs on the back of the keyboard harmonica. Wow! They pay an attention to the details even back.

そして、鍵盤に驚愕!(大袈裟…) 黒い鍵盤が立体的なのに気が付いたので、チョイ分解してみましたら、その「立体感」を出すためにわざわざ(?)、白い鍵盤と別々に作っているようです。

I also FOUND the black keyboards are not flat. Because they make white and black ones separately, then attach each other.

このようなディテールへの飽くなき追求。"職人リスペクト" 、なのでこういうのってとってもキャッチーです。いやはや~どうしましょう~マスマスハマってしまいそーな(嫌な?)予感が…。
Oh my God!! I respect their efforts to the details! I really love their miniatures. Oh my... I'm getting more than more to be crazy for them...
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オサンポ take a walk - スキマ草 Sukima-soh : 仲間で with friends

2015年10月25日 | 日記

In the middle of autumn
We are fresh tops
Growing up

Sukima-soh come out of narrow spaces...
Some people would not like them, no, many? Because they would destroy roads or walls.
But I mostly like them... I would like a scenery where they are. They made a scenery look good.
There are two falling leaves. I think that they would create an atmosphere of autumn.
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