


2014-12-06 22:45:00 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard



このEVAは、地質調査を目的としていて、Crew144の活動期間に合わせてNASAがEarth Observatory-1 でMDRSを観測するとのことです。   http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ 




On this our sol number 4 in full Mars simulation, we awoke today to cloudy skies, this despite weather forecasts calling for increased sunshine. Cloudy desert skies however often produce fantastic sunrises, and today did not at all disappoint. Just before sunrise several crew collected in the kitchen / social space on deck 2 to begin the day with morning Zen meditation lead again by Biologist Yusuke Murakami; followed by an introduction to basic yoga positions and breathing exercises lead by HSO Susan Jewell. All participants agreed that it felt great to really stretch out after about a week in the Hab, and after XO Heidi Beemer’s wicked workout regime yesterday. Following group breakfast, I briefed the crew on my morning EVA plans, and directed my EVA team, including Scientist Juho Vehviläinen, XO Heidi Beemer, and HSO /Journalist Susan Jewell on their expected Mars surface tasks. This science EVA involves the use of some complex sensor – laptop – calibration field equipment; despite this, EVA preparation and suit-up was efficient and all four in the field team exited the airlock at 0945. 

With Yusuke and Engineer Victor Lou managing HabCOM, engineering checks were completed first. The field team then walked southward along Cow Dung Road for about 300 meters to the survey grid, also pulling a wheel barrow to tote supplies and equipment. My study is evaluating visible to near infrared (VNIR) spectroradiometric fidelity between in-situ, sunlit rock and soils with the same target materials brought back to the Hab and measured under calibrated artificial illumination. Averaged field spectra will also be used to calibrate / validate an Earth Observatory-1 Hyperion hyperspectral image acquired over MDRS site, and an Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Spectroradiometer (ASTER) multispectral image that I've requested from NASA to be acquired during our MDRS-144 mission period. Calibration / validation work is essential for expanding the range of accurate aerial platform and space-based sensor mapping and monitoring. This will be the case at FMARS (and also Mars) for more confident selection of study sites, and to complete interpretations of areas where field access is limited or not-possible. This was a productive and educational EVA: 17 of 28 primary field VNIR measurements and associated samples were acquired and returned to the lab (see Science Report).

With regards to the aforementioned cloudy skies, such conditions are rather welcome for the daily EVAs this crew has completed, and has yet to complete. Full-on sunny conditions can make for very hot in-suit EVA conditions which can more rapidly fatigue and dehydrate surface explorers, possibly decreasing effectiveness, shortening EVA times, or causing medical issues. All EVA crew today truly welcomed the lack of direct sun!

After lunch all crew attended a post-EVA debriefing, discussing what worked well, and what did not (see EVA report). Afternoon activities included Biologist Yusuke Murakami working on crew ‘portraits’ to be applied towards a cartoon / superhero version of MDRS-144 team (stay tuned for that). Yasuke and Geologist Toni de Morais Teles also worked on photo-documenting the newly constructed tunnel connecting the Hab, GreenHab and Musk Observatory structures. Engineer Victor Luo reviewed with us his first version of a virtual 3D tour of the Hab generated by numerous infrared stereo scans collected inside the Hab. OK this is jaw dropping stuff! (definitely stay tuned for this).

Last but not least, Juho and I had the undignified task of un-stuffing our stuffed toilet with a plumbing snake (oh the glamour of space exploration). All are relieved that it is functioning again. 

At last it is our first Friday night in full Mars simulation. Perhaps time for a movie, karaoke, games, disco…?

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2014-12-06 00:24:44 | MARS on EARTH

Commander Report
Gregory Leonard



Crew Scientist Juho VehviläinenがEVA-3のための計画と野外目標を概略説明しました。
Engineer Victor Luo と私は、EVA-1で活動した場所を再訪するよう計画されたJuhoの仕事を支援するため特定の作業を提供しました。この時、彼の誘電性土壌水分と温度の測定法のためにより深くまで垂直方向の断面図を集めました。(Science Report参照)
Executive Office Heidi Beemerは、Yusukeと協力してEVAのためのすべてのHabCOMの運用を管理します。

Juhoと Victorは、測定値を収集しました。一方、私は、近くの地質を調査しました。このエリアにはジュラ紀から白亜紀(海進期-回帰の堆積岩の配列)の見事な露頭があります。日常言語で、私は、赤、グレイ、茶色、白色の堆積を観察しています。それは、泥、沈泥そして砂粒からなる層状ケーキの岩です。これらの岩は、風化されて小さなメサや円錐やハーフドームとなりました。;そして、それらは、恐竜の化石の正確な年代を示します。

Crew Geologist Toni de Morais Telesは、彼の宇宙生物学のEVAのために準備をしています。
GreenHab Officer/XO Heidi Beemerは、グリーンハブの水耕栽培システムで水漏れ問題対処し続けています。しかしながら、漏れた水は、トイレで流す水として使用されています。

さらなるハブの清掃がYusuke とGeologist Toni de Morais Telesとで今日行われました。
HSO / Journalist Susan Jewellは、日々のハブの仕事や他の活動でのクルーのビデオ映像を撮るための準備を始めました。撮影は、始まった!
午後遅くには、いろいろなクルーがMDRS-144 XO and Army 1st Lieutenant Heidi Beemerが指導するトレーニングと運動で打ちのめされているのを発見しました。
*それは、下部デッキでI-beamから守る彼女のTRX-resistance strapsを使用して行われたようですが、今一分かりません。ビデオが完成したら分かるかも・・・



Days are very busy in Mars analog simulation: each day all crew have scheduled meetings, chores, tasks, inspections, planning, possible EVAs, and of report writing. Therefore the time we spend enjoying personal or team activities that fall outside these routines become more essential for a healthy and harmonious crew. In this regard we are fortunate to have a mission team that possesses many interests and talents, and importantly the willingness to share them. This day began with some crew participating in a lesson and some practice in Zen meditation lead by Biologist Yusuke Murakami. We found that giving the critically objective left-side brain a rest, for even a few moments is a rather a refreshing experience; and indeed a fine way to begin the day.

Group breakfast was followed by daily plan briefing. Crew Scientist Juho Vehviläinen reviewed his planning and field objectives for EVA-3. Engineer Victor Luo and myself were provided with our specific tasks to assist in Juho’s work which is designed to revisit the traverse sites from his EVA-1 work, this time collecting deeper vertical profiles for his dielectric soil moisture and temperature measurements (see Science Report). All crew then assisted in preparation for the EVA team. Executive Office Heidi Beemer along with Yusuke managed all HabCOM operations for the EVA. 

We are becoming very proficient at donning the space suits, today getting out of the airlock and onto the analog Mars-surface at 0937. An engineering EVA preceded the science EVA; this included refilling the Hab water tank. EVA-3 crew then used the motor-powered all-terrain vehicles for the remainder of the field work, which proceeded very smoothly. This EVA involved excavating holes in the soil, as deep as 30 centimeters for Juho to obtain regularly spaced vertical measurements. The exertion of digging holes often lead to sweat and condensate within our helmets, which quickly dissipated with a minutes rest. Juho and Victor collected measurements, while I investigated the nearby geology. There are absolutely stunning exposures of Jurassic to Cretaceous, transgressive-regressive sedimentary rock sequences in this area. In everyday language I am observing heaps of red, grey, brown, white colored, layer-cake rocks composed of mud, silt, and sand grains. These rocks weather into an array of small mesas and conical and half-dome shapes; and they are the correct age to host dinosaur fossils, which indeed they do. The EVA allowed for a 15 minute validation of sample grid coordinates for my planned EVA work tomorrow.

Crew Geologist Toni de Morais Teles is prepping for his astrobiological EVA, sterilizing his collection tubes, inspecting field sampling tools. GreenHab Officer/XO Heidi Beemer continues to address the leakage issues with the GreeHab hydroponics system. Leaked water has however been captured, to be applied towards toilet flushes.

More Hab cleaning occurred today with Yusuke and Geologist Toni de Morais Teles tidying up and vacuuming the entire lower deck space, and making more counter space available for the laboratory phase for several crew science investigations. HSO / Journalist Susan Jewell began preparing to collect video of the crew in day-to-day Hab work and other activities. Filming has begun! The late afternoon found several crew hammering through a workout and exercise session lead by MDRS-144 XO and Army 1st Lieutenant Heidi Beemer using her TRX-resistance straps secured from an I-beam in the lower deck. 

After almost three days in full simulation, we are indeed settled into the Hab, with our respective individual and team roles, and settled into the realization that this group is really learning to live, work, and develop new skills together. Something to add here: living on Mars, in the confines of the Hab is not only about regulating resources, and getting by on the minimum, but also about living in the abundance of what is provided here, and what we provide to each other, our team together. Indeed we've taken full ownership of this magnificent station and its incredible well-established mission support systems.

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