
The Boys of Summer

 今日で8月も終わる。暑くてどうしようもなかった夏に、やっと一区切りをつけられるが、私にとっては時間に追われた長い夏休み期間が終わることになる。うだるような暑さの中、ヘロヘロになりながらも今日まで頑張ってきた、当たり前のことだと言ってしまえばそれだけのことだが、自分としてはこの達成感は何とも代えがたいほどの喜びだ。そこで、毎年夏の終わりになると1度は聞きたくなる、Don Henley の "The Boys of Summer" のビデオクリップを YouTube から探してきて、この夏の記念に貼っておくことにする。
(Don Henley は元 Eagles のドラマー、ボーカル)


Nobody on the road
Nobody on the beach
I feel it in the air
The summer's out of reach
Empty lake, empty streets
The sun goes down alone
I'm drivin' by your house
Though I know you're not at home

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got your hair combed back and your sunglasses on, baby
And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

I never will forget those nights
I wonder if it was a dream
Remember how you made me crazy?
Remember how I made you scream
Now I don't understand what happened to our love
But baby when I get you back
I'm gonna show you what I'm made of

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
I see you walkin' real slow and you're smilin' at everyone
I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

Out on the road today, I saw a BLACK FLAG sticker on a Cadillac
A little voice inside my head said, "Don't look back. You can never look back."
I thought I knew what love was
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever
I should just let them go but-

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got that top pulled down and that radio on, baby
And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

I can see you-
Your brown skin shinin' in the sun
You got that hair slicked back and those Wayfarers on, baby
I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone

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