English Collection



2025年02月02日 | 英単語
伊坂幸太郎氏の小説 "Remote Control" を読んでいます。パート4,The Incidentから引用します。

"It was looking good when we left the karaoke place," said Aoyagi. "Haruko and I were walking a little ahead, but I could hear them talking. I thought everything was going great. But I guess in the end she just wasn't interested."
"I sent her an email after we said goodnight," Morita told him.
"But you don't have a cell phone, do you?" Kazu asked.
Morita groaned. "I borrowed Aoyagi's, but she never answered. Our little romance was DOA."

"DOA" は終わったの意味の様ですが、意味と何の略かを辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of an accident victim or other patient) already dead when arriving at hospital; very unlikely to be successful; not working when it is delivered
・Wiktionary: Initialism of dead on arrival; Initialism of defective on arrival:

英語版の翻訳者が何故略語の "DOA" を使ったのか気になります。原作の日本語では何だったのでしょうか? 

原作のゴールデンスランバーを図書館から借りて該当個所の日本語を探して見ました。原作は『森田森吾はうなだれて、言う。「これはもう、脈なしってことなんだろう」』とありました。脈なしから "DOA" が出て来たのですね。

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