もっとも印象に残った個所は最後の論文 "The Way Ahead" 最後の段落で、少々長くなりますが次に引用します。
All this suggests that the greatest changes are almost certainly still ahead of us. We can also be sure that the society of 2030 will be very different from that of today, and that it will bear little resemblance to that predicted by today's best-selling futurists. It will not be dominated or even shaped by information technology. IT will, of course, be important, but it will be only one of several important new technologies. The central feature of the next society, as of its predecessors, will be new institutions and new theories, ideologies and problems.
という訳で、ドラッカー先生はずるいというか、正直というか、よくできたジョークを読み終えた気がしました。 英語の表現で勉強になったのは "after a fashion" で次のようにつかわれていました。
Will the corporation survive? Yes, after a fashion.
"after a fashion " は英英辞書で "In some way or other, especially to a limited extent: She sings after a fashion." とありました。 なんとか、どうにか、と言ったところでしょうか。