English Collection



2007年02月13日 | 英語学習

マーケティングの記事を読んでいたら "TWELVE STEPS TO AVOID BEING A MARKETING LEMMING" の表題がありました。 "lemming" は辞書によるとタビネズミ(極地付近にすむ小動物で、海へ向かって集団自殺行進をするといわれるとありました。 中々興味のある話なのでインターネットで更に調べると、集団自殺行進をするというのは1958年にデズニィーが作成したドキュメンタリで "lemming" が崖から飛び降り集団自殺するのを見せたことから一般に知られるようになったとありましたが、これが何とデズニィーのやらせドキュメンタリであったようです。

Disney's White Wilderness was filmed in Alberta, Canada, which is not a native habitat for lemmings and has no outlet to the sea. Lemmings were imported for use in the film, purchased from Inuit children by the filmmakers. The Arctic rodents were placed on a snow-covered turntable and filmed from various angles to produce a "migration" sequence; afterwards, the helpless creatures were transported to a cliff overlooking a river and herded into the water.

ところでマーケティングに戻りますが、詳細は略して "TWELVE STEPS TO AVOID BEING A MARKETING LEMMING" を参考に示します。

1) Find a method that works for you and stick with it.

2) Don't gather data that inevitably contradicts. I

3) Remember that the market satisfies need, not greed.

4) Don't demand consistently high returns.

5) Beware of your success threshold.

6) Make your own final decisions.

7) Isolate emotion from order time.

8) Don't argue your position with friends.

9) Avoid highly leveraged positions.

10) Remember that your current market position is never perfect.

11) It doesn't matter why, it matters which way.

12) Make marketing a habit.

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