English Collection



2011年12月20日 | 英語学習
I managed until one hot July afternoon. I was at my desk when Michael called from Costco, where he had taken my father shopping. My father had gone stiff on one side, had become unable to stand, and didn't know where he was. I had to get over there, Michael said, in a quietly frightened voice. I jumped up and ran out but by the time I arrived, my father had recovered and did not remember anything untoward happening.
"untoward" は初めて見る単語なので辞書を引きます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: 1.difficult to guide, manage, or work with : unruly, intractable 2a : marked by trouble or unhappiness : unlucky b : not favorable : adverse, unpropitious: untoward side effects
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: 1. causing misfortune or disadvantage; 2. not appropriate or fitting; 3. beyond the ordinary or expected
Tips: The root word toward is most commonly used as a preposition, but it can also be used as an adjective, meaning "having a successful or good outcome." Untoward is the opposite of this. For a memory trick, think of how you would want to move toward something toward (fortunate), but you would want to move away from something untoward (unfortunate).
V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionaryは語彙を増やすための辞書なので解説が丁寧で良いですね。 但し、掲載している語彙が普通の辞書より少ないので使えない場合が多いのが欠点です。
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