English Collection



2015年02月22日 | 英語の本を読む

White Fangを引き取ったWeedon Scottはどこかに引っ越す様子です。
Weedon Scott debated with himself for a while, and then said more gently: “You are right, Matt.
I don’t know my own mind, and that’s what’s the trouble.”"Why, it would be rank ridiculousness for me to take that dog along," he broke out after another pause.
"I’m agreein' with you," was Matt’s answer, and again his employer was not quite satisfied with him.
上の引用文に出てきた "rank" は過去(7/9/20106/22/2010)に取り上げているので、復習です。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
1) having a strong, unpleasant smell
2) very bad and obvious
3) complete or total
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal Very unpleasant: the tea at work is nice but the coffee's pretty rank

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