English Collection



2015年02月11日 | 英語の本を読む
White Fangとブルドッグの闘い、形勢逆転して意外にもWhite Fangは負けそうです。
It began to look as though the battle were over. The backers of Cherokee waxed jubiliant and offered ridiculous odds. White Fang's backers were correspondingly depressed, and refused bets of ten to one and twenty to one, though one man was rash enough to close a wager of fifty to one.
この引用個所に出てきた "rash" の意味が分かりません。早速辞書を見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: acting or done too quickly, without considering the effects of your actions: I know you're angry, but please don't do anything rash. a rash decision
・Vocabulary.com: A rash is something that spreads like wild fire ? red itchy skin or a series of unfortunate events. It can also describe an impulsive, wild decision.
As an adjective, rash has meant "quick, vigorous" since the 1300s by way of Scotland. The meaning shifted to "reckless" a few hundred years later, and can still be used that way -- a "rash decision" is a sudden, not well thought out one.
Rash, the noun that no one wants on their skin, came a few hundred years after that, but from the French word rache which at some point meant "ringworm." Ringworm still gives us a red, itchy rash. Fun! Rash can also mean a lot of unpleasant things happening in a short amount of time, like robberies or earthquakes.
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