Japan Times Online Feb.13の文化面の記事タイトルに知らない単語がありました。
Belle and Sebastian lean toward politics and away from twee on newest album "twee" がその単語ですが、とにかく記事を読みます。
Belle and Sebastian are headed back to Japan, but are not quite as you remember them. For nearly 20 years the Glasgow indie darlings have been pigeonholed as producers of twee, lovelorn songs for corduroy-clad outcasts, but with their newly released ninth album, that stereotype is in danger of looking outdated: “Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance” is as concerned with the dance floor as it is the state of the world in which it was conceived.
この文章によると "lovelorn songs for corduroy-clad outcasts" の様ですが、辞書ではどの様な説明がしてあるでしょうか?
・Oxford English Dictionary: Excessively or affectedly quaint, pretty, or sentimental: although the film’s a bit twee, it’s watchable
Origin: early 20th century: representing a child's pronunciation of sweet.
子供の "sweet" の発音から来た言葉、これなら覚えやすい。Vocabulary.comにもっと丁寧な次の説明がありました。
Something is twee if it's a little too cute or overly adorable. A children's book that is sweet and sentimental, illustrated with squirrels in little dresses, could be described as twee.
You could call a flowery hat twee, or describe an elaborate tea party, complete with lacy napkins, fancy silverware, and dressed-up guests, as twee. The word is traditionally British, and its original meaning could have described a dollhouse: "tiny, dainty, or miniature." Much as tummy comes from stomach, twee stems from the (overly adorable) way a child might pronounce the word sweet.
最近海外にも知られている「かわいー!」を連想します。ところで、"pigeonholed" は既に2度(3/27/2010、6/6/2014)も取り上げたので、さすがに覚えました。