English Collection



2015年10月08日 | 英語の本を読む
Reader's Digest 8月号の記事 Health: What Works, What Doesn'tからの引用です。
Can You Overuse Eye Drops
Yes. Eye drops that promise to erase redness contain a decongestant that narrows blood-filled capillaries. "decongestant" は初めて見る単語ですが、ここでは文脈から容易に眼の充血を取り除く成分、あるいは薬であることが分かります。辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: relieving congestion, esp nasal congestion: I took an antihistamine and a decongestant this evening," he said promptly.
・Oxford English Dictionary: (Chiefly of a medicine) used to relieve nasal congestion.: For people with significant nasal congestion, a decongestant therapy may be prescribed.
・MedicineNet.com: Decongestant: A drug that shrinks the swollen membranes in the nose, making it easier for a person to breathe. Decongestants can be taken orally or as nasal spray.
Decongestant nasal spray should not be used for more than 5 days without a physician's recommendation. Many decongestant nasal sprays cause a worsening of symptoms (a rebound effect) when they are taken for too long and then discontinued. Decongestants should not be used by people who have high blood pressure unless they are under a physician's supervision.
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