Michael EndeのMomoを読み始めました。この本のドイツ語の正式のタイトルを英語に直訳するとMomo, or the strange story of the time-thieves and the child who brought the stolen time back to the peopleとなるそうで、ドイツの哲学者が書いたようなタイトルです。難しい単語は余り出てこない様ですが、英語が母国語ではない私にとっては馴染みのない表現がやはり出てきます。Momoについての描写から引用します。
Aside from being rather odd, Momo's personal appearance might well have shocked anyone who set store by looking clean and tidy.
熟語らしい "set store by" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: set (or lay or put) store by (or on): Consider (something) to be of a particular degree of importance or value: many people set much store by privacy
・Dictionary.com: to have high regard for; value; esteem: She sets great store by good character.
・The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms: Also, set great store by. Regard as valuable or worthwhile, as in I don't set much store by her judgment, or He sets great store by his good name. The word store here is used in the sense of "something precious," a usage that is obsolete except in these terms.
なるほど、"store" に昔は貴重な物の意味があったのですね。