English Collection


done time/do time

2016年03月10日 | 英語の本を読む
“Oh no, just a possibility. I have a much better prospect—the fighting Finns! The divorce is far from final with a trial set for next month. These people have spent every dime they had trying to prove the other is a bigger creep. Mrs. Finn is pretty crazy and has done time in the nuthouse. Mr. Finn can’t stay sober and tends to gamble too much.
"has done time" がピンと来なかったのですが、"in the nuthouse" とあるので、狂人の家ではなく、精神病院に入っていたと言う事でしょう。辞書を見ます。
・Urban Dictionary: Spending some time in jail or prison.: I have done time in the last 2 weeks.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to spend a period of time in prison: It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time.
・American Heritage Dictionary: Serve a prison sentence, as in Many of the gang members did time while they were still teenagers. This expression originated as underworld slang and is now standard usage.
"in the nuthouse" が無かったら、刑務所にいたとなりますね。
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