English Collection


up to

2017年05月23日 | 英語の本を読む
村上龍の 'ALMOST TRANSPARENT BLUE' を読んでいますが、乱交パーティの話ばかりで、ストーリーらしき事件や登場人物のキャラクターも良く分からず、とにかく我慢の読書です。
While I was breasing in the scents of the warming air and fixing coffee, the outside door suddenly opened. There stood three cops, Their thick chests wrapped in sweaty-smelling uniforms, white braid hanging from their shoulders. Startled, I spilled the sugar on the floor. One of the younger cops asked me, "What're you kids up to in here?"
上の引用個所に出てきた "up to" は見聞きした気がしますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Occupied or busy with.: What's he been up to?
・Collins Dictionary: devising or scheming; occupied with: He's up to something.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to be doing something, often something bad or illegal, usually secretly: She's up to no good (= doing something bad or forbidden) - you can always tell because she stays in her room.
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