Reader's Digest 4月号の記事 'Art of Living, Extraordinary Reuses For Ordinary Things' からの抜粋です。
Razer → Sweater De-Piller
A dull razor can enjoy a second act as a rescuer of pilled sweaters. If you notice a patch of unsightly balls lightly run a razor over them. The blade will remove the pills without damaging the fabric.
"pill" は動詞にも名詞にもなっています。文脈からすると "pill" はここでは毛玉(名詞)、"de-Piller" は毛玉取りでしょう。"pill" を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of knitted fabric) form small balls of fluff on its surface.: The yarn pilled up a lot, and though it was soft it always looked kind of weird on me so I rarely wore it.
・Collins Dictionary: a small ball of matted fibres that forms on the surface of a fabric through rubbing