Calibration Bath(恒温槽の一種)のユーザーマニュアルの一節です。
Heat transfer medium lifetime is dependent upon the type of medium and the environment. The fluid should be checked at least every month. Once some fluids have become compromised, the break down can occur rapidly. Particular attention should be paid to the viscosity of the fluid. A significant change in the viscosity can indicate that the fluid is contaminated, being used outside of its temperature limits, contains ice particles, or is close to a chemical breakdown.
"compromise" は「妥協する」以外にも「(情報を)洩らす」「(システムに)不正アクセスする」などの意味がある事を5/18/2011に取り上げましたが、上記の "compromise" はそれともちょっと意味が異なるようです。 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Cause to become vulnerable or function less effectively.: yo-yo dieting can compromise your immune system
・American Heritage Dictionary:
To reduce the quality, value, or degree of something, such as one's ideals.
A weakening or reduction of one's principles or standards: a compromise of morality.
Impairment, as by disease or injury: physiological compromise.