English Collection



2018年11月15日 | 英単語
Karel CapekのThe Gardner's Yearを読んでいます。
Besides, we gardeners have already enemies enough: sparrrows and blackbirds, children, snails, earwigs and plantlice; I ask you, should we declare war on caterpillars?
Should we set the white butterflies against us?
園芸家の敵として子供も挙げられているので "earwigs" がどんな動物か、あるいは昆虫か見当がつきません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A small elongated insect with a pair of terminal appendages that resemble pincers. The females typically care for their eggs and young until they are grown.: Even earwigs can be useful because they eat aphids, codling moth eggs and the red spider mite.’

・Collins Dictionary: An earwig is a small, thin, brown insect that has a pair of claws at the back end of its body.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a small insect with two pincers (= curved pointed parts) at the back end of its body
最後に引用した辞書は "earwigs" の写真付きです。URL: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/earwig
ハサミ虫ですね。Capekは "earwigs" を園芸家の敵の一つに挙げていますが、辞書によると益虫の様です。
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