English Collection



2018年11月13日 | 英単語
NHKのTVドラマ、植物男子ベランダーの中で主人公の男ベランダーが密かに思いを寄せる花屋の女性が読んでいた本、園芸家の12ヵ月が気になり、英語版のThe Gardner's Yearを読むことにしました。(著者のKarel Capekはチェコ人なので原作は英語ではない様だ。)
APRIL, that is the right and blessed month for the gardner. Let lovers go to Jericho with their praises of May; in May trees and flowers only flower, but in April they bud; this sprouting shooting, these germs, shoots, and sprout, are the greatest wonder of Nature, and I shall not tell you one word more about them; sit on your heels and poke with your finger in the puffy soil, holding your breath, for your finger is touching a full and fragile bud.
"germs" というと直ぐにばい菌を連想しますが、ここの"germs" は文脈からすると、shoots, sprout, budの仲間の様です。辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A portion of an organism capable of developing into a new one or part of one. The embryo in a cereal grain or other plant seed.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: the origin of something that develops, esp. a cell from which grain grows or the beginning of an idea: Alejandro’s suggestion was the germ of an idea.
動詞形の "germinate" があるようで、上の引用文の後に "germinate" の名詞形 "germination" が次の様に出てきます。
Besides germination April is also the month for planting.
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