English Collection



2018年11月16日 | 英単語
Karel CapekのThe Gardner's Yearを読んでいます。
To produce a new species, that is the secret dream of every passionate gardener! Good Lord, if I only could produce a yellow forget-me-not, or a forget-me-not-blue poppy, or a white gentian!
難しい植物名は無視していますが、この "gentian" は知っている植物なので覚えたい。辞書の説明を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: A plant of temperate and mountainous regions, typically with violet or vivid blue trumpet-shaped flowers. Many kinds are cultivated as ornamentals, especially as arctic alpines, and some are of medicinal use.: In summer, the meadow is in full bloom; in fall, asters and gentians shine, and the trees put on quite a display.

・Collins Dictionary: any of a large genus (Gentiana) of plants of the gentian family, with blue, white, red, or yellow flowers URL: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/gentian
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