Reader's Digest 5月号の特集記事 'Your Mom Said What?' からもう一つの "mamapropisms" を紹介します。
Sometimes my mother would surprise us by visiting our house on Sundays after Mass. I was a busy mom with my own business and six children still at home. Housework was not at the top of my to-do list. One Sunday, my adult son, Dan, was also visiting. When Mom remarked that she hadn't yet seen his apartment, he told her to let him know when she would like to see it so he could clean.
"I'd be embarrassed to have you just drop by," Dan said. "It can be a real mess."
"Worse than this?" she blurted.
Sometimes my mother would surprise us by visiting our house on Sundays after Mass. I was a busy mom with my own business and six children still at home. Housework was not at the top of my to-do list. One Sunday, my adult son, Dan, was also visiting. When Mom remarked that she hadn't yet seen his apartment, he told her to let him know when she would like to see it so he could clean.
"I'd be embarrassed to have you just drop by," Dan said. "It can be a real mess."
"Worse than this?" she blurted.