安部公房の小説 "The Face of Another" を読んでいます。
The problem was quite profound. That I thought it profound was itself most profound, Thus, I should probably persevere in the attempt to be your stand-in. It wasn't for I liked, but mobilizing all my memories of your impressions and conversations, I attempted to conjure up various men's expressions, that you might like.
"stand-in" は7/2/2010に取り上げていました。
The problem was quite profound. That I thought it profound was itself most profound, Thus, I should probably persevere in the attempt to be your stand-in. It wasn't for I liked, but mobilizing all my memories of your impressions and conversations, I attempted to conjure up various men's expressions, that you might like.
"stand-in" は7/2/2010に取り上げていました。