English Collection



2022年01月26日 | 英単語
Robert B.Parkerの "High Profile" を読んでいます。
Jesse は殺されたWalton Weeksと以前メアリーランドのテレビ局で働いていたJay WadeにWaltonのことを質問した。
"You know," Wade said, "I don't know. When I knew him he was a damn weatherman, you know. I never thought much about him being smart or dumb. After I left Maryland, and he got to be a national figure--I mean, who knows who wrote that column or the little editorial set pieces on his TV show. He seemed quick enough on the call-ins and guest interviews."

TV業界語の様な "call-ins" の意味を辞書で調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: A call-in is a programme on radio or television in which people phone in with questions or opinions and their calls are broadcast.: ...a call-in show on Los Angeles radio station KABC.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of broadcasts) allowing members of the public to make their questions and opinions a part of the program: Bell hosts a popular call-in show on a local radio station.
・Merriam-Webster: allowing listeners to engage in broadcast telephone conversations with the host or a guest: a call-in show

辞書の例の様に "call-ins" の後に "show" が続いていれば意味が分かり易いですね。
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