English Collection


beribboned cats

2022年03月29日 | 英単語
O.Henryの短編 'The Enchanted Kiss' からです。

A pleasant note of singing in his ears reinforced his opinion. High, sweet, holy carolling, far and harmonious and uprising, as of sanctified nuns at their responses. At what hour did the Sisters sing? He tried to think—was it six, eight, twelve? Tansey leaned his back against the limestone wall and wondered. Strange things followed. The air was full of white, fluttering pigeons that circled about, and settled upon the convent wall. The wall blossomed with a quantity of shining green eyes that blinked and peered at him from the solid masonry. A pink, classic nymph came from an excavation in the cavernous road and danced, barefoot and airy, upon the ragged flints. The sky was traversed by a company of beribboned cats, marching in stupendous, aërial procession. The noise of singing grew louder; an illumination of unseasonable fireflies danced past, and strange whispers came out of the dark without meaning or excuse.

"beribboned cats" の "beribboned" を "berib" と "boned" でできた単語と読んだので意味が分かりませんでした。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Decorated with many ribbons.: ‘beribboned straw hats’

・Collins Dictionary: adorned with ribbons: Props had been set up in the dark during the ringmaster's introduction: a row of beribboned hoops topped with scarlet balloons.

・Dictionary.com: adorned with ribbons: The gingham dress was such as a daughter of the people might have worn, and the straw hat, though beribboned, was not impressive.

"be" と "ribboned" に分けて読めば意味が分かったのでした。
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