江戸川乱歩の短編小説集を読み始めました。九つの短編で構成されていますが、最初に 'The Psychological Test' からの引用します。
Saito was a quiet student of about the same age as Fukiya, and likewise hard up for money.
この "hard up" はここだけではお金に厳しいのか、金欠なのか分かりませんが、この後に殺人事件があり、次の様に出てきました。
Knowing that she had that money hidden in the tree pot, could he not have committed the crime? I also wish to remind you, gentleman of the court, that Fukiya has always been notorious for being financially hard up!"
お金に困って家主を殺したと疑われている状況なので、 "hard up" の意味はお金がないですね。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Short of money.: I'm too hard up to buy fancy clothes.
・Collins Dictionary: If you are hard up, you have very little money.: Her parents were very hard up.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: having very little money: We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking about holidays.
Saito was a quiet student of about the same age as Fukiya, and likewise hard up for money.
この "hard up" はここだけではお金に厳しいのか、金欠なのか分かりませんが、この後に殺人事件があり、次の様に出てきました。
Knowing that she had that money hidden in the tree pot, could he not have committed the crime? I also wish to remind you, gentleman of the court, that Fukiya has always been notorious for being financially hard up!"
お金に困って家主を殺したと疑われている状況なので、 "hard up" の意味はお金がないですね。辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Short of money.: I'm too hard up to buy fancy clothes.
・Collins Dictionary: If you are hard up, you have very little money.: Her parents were very hard up.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: having very little money: We're a bit hard up at the moment so we're not thinking about holidays.