桐野 夏生の "Grotesque" を読んでいます。
I also noticed that Kazue had begun subjecting her teachers to as intense litany of questions during class. The teachers would soon grow impatient. "Okay, let's move on to the next question," they'd say, glancing at their watches, only to have Kazue complain, in a tear-choked voice. "But professor, I still don't understand."
"subjecting" の意味を "subject" の動詞の項で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Cause or force to undergo (a particular experience of form of treatment): ‘he'd subjected her to a terrifying ordeal’
・Collins Dictionary: If you subject someone to something unpleasant, you make them experience it.: They subjected me to endless threats to sabotage my business.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to have or experience a particular thing, especially something unpleasant: In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression.
そう言えば "subject" には「支配する・服従させる」の意味もありますね。
I also noticed that Kazue had begun subjecting her teachers to as intense litany of questions during class. The teachers would soon grow impatient. "Okay, let's move on to the next question," they'd say, glancing at their watches, only to have Kazue complain, in a tear-choked voice. "But professor, I still don't understand."
"subjecting" の意味を "subject" の動詞の項で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Cause or force to undergo (a particular experience of form of treatment): ‘he'd subjected her to a terrifying ordeal’
・Collins Dictionary: If you subject someone to something unpleasant, you make them experience it.: They subjected me to endless threats to sabotage my business.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to have or experience a particular thing, especially something unpleasant: In recent years, she has been subject to attacks of depression.
そう言えば "subject" には「支配する・服従させる」の意味もありますね。