English Collection



2025年03月12日 | 英単語
Yuval Noah Harariの "Nexus" を読んでいます。Chapter 5, Decisions: A Brief History of Democracy and Totalitarianismからの引用です。

Hitler began sending Jews and communists to concentration camps within months of rising to power through democratic elections, and in the United States numerous democratically elected governments have disenfranchised Africans, Native Africans, and other oppressed populations. Of course, most assaults on democracy are more subtle. The careers of strongmen like Vladimir Putin, Viktr Orban, Recep Tayyip Endgan, Rodorigo Duterre, Jair Bolsonaro, and Benjamin Netanyahu demonstrate how a leader who used democracy to rise to power can then use his power to undermine democracy.

democracyと言っても問題がありますね。"disenfranchised" は文脈からすると権利を剥奪されたの意味の様ですが、辞書で確認します。

・Collins Dictionary: deprived of the right to vote or other rights of citizenship the difficulties which disenfranchised minorities face: The idea would be that small investors who have previously been disenfranchised would be given a voice.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: not having the right to vote, or a similar right, or having had that right taken away: Hundreds of thousands of teenagers and particularly teenage girls are utterly disenfranchised in this culture.
・Vocabulary.com: The adjective disenfranchised describes a person or group of people who are stripped of their power, like disenfranchised post-Civil War African Americans who were deprived of their right to vote even after being freed from slavery.
Being disenfranchised is no fun. The rules work against you, your rights are constantly violated, and you have little power to change your life for the better. The Old French word enfranchis means “to make free,” and when you add the negative prefix dis-, disenfranchised means “made unfree.” A disenfranchised population doesn’t rest easy, and often they organize and fight back against their condition to demand their basic rights and freedom.

上の引用文には出てきませんでしたが、米国のトランプ大統領も民主的に選ばれた大統領ですが、権限があり過ぎるようで、"a leader who used democracy to rise to power can then use his power to undermine democracy" の見事な見本ですね。

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