English Collection



2023年01月27日 | 英単語
Yoko Ogawaの "the memory police" を読んでいます。

"That's good," said the old man as he lifted the lid on the pot to see whether the tea had finished steeping.
We chatted about this and that as we sipped our our tea, laughed at Don's antics, and slowly ate the pancakes.

"steeping" は文脈からしてお茶をお湯に浸す意味のはずですが、"steep" の意味として急勾配しか覚えていないので辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: If you steep food in a liquid or leave it to steep, you put it in the liquid and leave it for some time so that it becomes soft and takes in the taste of the liquid: Black teas need to steep for three minutes.
・Collins Dictionary: To steep food in a liquid means to put the food in the liquid for some time so that the food gets flavour from the liquid.: It's a drink made by steeping pineapple rind in water.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to cause to stay in a liquid, especially in order to become soft or clean, or to improve flavour: We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert.
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